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Stephen came home with a fun story. Off the main square in our neighbourhood of Barranco is a public library. It is quite an inviting-looking building. The inside is a bit different. The main...
Never Quite There ( In Peru! )
The journey can be the destination...
Stephen came home with a fun story. Off the main square in our neighbourhood of Barranco is a public library. It is quite an inviting-looking building. The inside is a bit different. The main...
Apologies for the long silence on this site. It has been a whirlwind of job-related activity here in Lima. I am currently recruiting for a youth entrepreneurship program and I’m having trouble getting enough...
Elections are coming up – Sunday is the big day! I’m looking forward to having it all over. Apart from all the parades and music broadcasted over loudspeakers, the municipality where I work is...
Happy first day of Spring to everyone in the Southern hemisphere! Today Lima cooperated and gave us some sun! We’re definitely hoping it is a sign of things to come. In other news, I’ve...
We went to a northern coastal town called Huanchaco that is famous for its reed boats. They have a unique design that has been passed down through this ancient fishing village and these boats...
I work in a municipal building with 5 floors and 1 maintenance person. Needless to say he is a bit hard to get a hold of. As part of our Youth Employment Centre we...
Here’s a little fun with words. In Spanish you say when something makes you really mad you say: me da rabia. Literally translated it means it gives me rabies. What gets you mad enough...
Sending something by mail in Peru is an exercise in perseverance. To give you an idea: our neighbourhood (Barranco) which is sizable enough to elect its own mayor, doesn’t have a post office. At...
Chocolate grows locally in Peru and there is even some speculation that the Peruvian amazon basin was the original home. There is a chocolate museum just a few blocks from where we live that...
I work in a municipal building in San Juan de Miraflores. It’s a quite a large 5 storey concrete building with security at all entrances where they check your bags on the way...