Category: Blogging


Let’s talk money!

  The Argentinan government is trying to prop up the value of the peso and as a result a parallel market for US dollars has emerged called the “blue dollar” and gets anyone with greenbacks 30...


Taking to the skies

As you may have seen on the twitter feed, we wanted to take to Argentinian skies in a glider (for Stephen) and a parapente (paragliding) flight (for Christina). Unfortunately the tandem glider pilot decided I...



This past Sunday was Palm Sunday – the Sunday before Easter. And when I went out to the main square, there were people holding and selling elaborately woven palms fronds into baskets and crosses...


Where do angels come from?

Cusco has a very famous cathedral on its main square that features a painting of the Last Supper with a guinea pig being served up to share with the apostles (talk about adapting art for local...


Travel plans

My contract in Peru is wrapping up at the end of the month and we are starting to plan our adventure in Argentina and Chile. I’ve been doing a bit of researching and dreaming,...



So after 8 months, I don’t even have to think about it anymore. When I go to the bathroom at work, I always go with supplies. I grab my toilet paper and my soap...


Con que se come?

In Spanish, when you use a complicated word you’re not sure everyone will understand, you would throw in my current favourite expression  ‘Con que se come?’ (“and what do you eat it with?”). Ie. the best...



So they say that the only things that are sure in life are death and taxes… But it seems that there are perhaps a few exceptions to the rule. The San Juan de Miraflores district...