Peruvian winter

We knew that traveling south meant that we would be trading summer for winter. In Canada, it is usually pretty obvious when you are in winter. Here, the bougainvillea and hibiscus are blooming at the moment, but the temperature has been around 15 degrees celsius. Of course everyone around here thinks it is very cold. Granted, none of the buildings (offices or homes) have central heating, so you do need to wear a few layers to stay warm.

Here’s a typical Limenan “winter scene”.

Winter in Lima

Winter in Lima

The Limenans worry that their dogs must be cold, so they make sure that they are well bundled up before going outside during these ‘winter’ months.  We have not yet approached the dogs for comments.




4 Responses

  1. Romey Booth says:

    They do look cool – Are you as smart?

  2. Carla Benedetti says:

    I love how the dogs are wearing winter jackets…you know 15 degrees is sooooo cold!!!

  3. Christina says:

    I know, it is fun 🙂 Now that I think about it I’ve hardly seen any cats. Maybe because they are harder to put cute jackets on…

  4. Kendra says:

    I’m pretty sure I wore a skirt or dress to work the other day when it was 15 degrees in the morning…

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