160 Degrees

So after a couple of busy weeks Christina has wrangled a week off and so we are off into the mountains.

Our grand plan is to do a large loop, starting in Ayacucho to the South of Lima and then spending a week crawling North along mountain towns until we reach Huancayo on Sunday.  Then, much to my excitement, we’ll be taking the world’s second highest train through the mountains and back to Lima.

Stage one was getting toAyacucho, which is an overnight ten hour journey through windy mountain roads.  Due to the anticipated challenges of this leg, we decided to splash out on some premium seats.  Cruz Del Sur offers a “suite” service with seatback videos and seats that recline 160 degrees.

The seats were fantastic, and a marked difference to how I normally fit on a bus, illustrated below.

tight fit bus seat

Me in a normal Lima bus seat.






2 Responses

  1. Romey Booth says:

    For one awful moment I thought that the photo reflected the seat on the long overnight bus – but I guess you would not have been smiling had it been so!

    • Stephen says:

      No, that’s me in one of the standard city busses showing off my “side-saddle” approach to being too big.

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